$20 Symphony (2022)

a game of greed for any large group

Part 1: Start


Part 2: Play


Part 3: Score


Part 1: Start / Part 2: Play / Part 3: Score /

performance time varies: 1 hour, short game modes

for 10 min. play, 25 min. play, and indefinite play

  1. Players must pay for an action before they perform it. 

  2. Players may not take from their own bank or tax box.

  3. Players may not take from a bank or tax box without paying for it.

  4. Players may not play musical material more times than they are allowed per purchase.

  5. Players may not enjoy priviledges given to those with higher holdings if they do not have the coins (or did not have the coins, depending on the priviledge being afforded). This includes dynamics and the free actions afforded to those who have reached 100 coins.

  6. It is morally unconscionable to steal from another person, no matter the need.

  7. Relieving thieves of assests is not considered theft. 

  8. It is a just cause to try and make the best conditions for yourself, even if it is above others. 

  9. If you fail, it is only up to you to make your way back. 

  10. The pursuit of happiness has been equally afforded to all of you.